How to Get ALL the Money on your Trade-In

OK.  So you are getting ready to buy your next car (perhaps from me at Parkway Cadillac, Buick GMC in Valencia?) and you have all of your ducks in a row…you have your financing, your trade-in value, your price reports and your Consumer Reports make/model information.  You may even have a pricing certificate from one […]

Bucket list stuff…

I’ve never been one to keep an actual “bucket list.”  You know a list of things that you’d like to accomplish before you “kick the bucket.”  I’d always felt that I was a motivated person and didn’t need to further motivate myself with things that I wanted to put a check next to… Until friends […]

Just what is social media?

Everyone knows what social media is, right?  It’s Facebook…it’s Twitter…it’s Instagram!!! No, my friends, let’s make that perfectly clear.  Those are conduits for social media…ways to share your message. Social Media is as old as time.  When one caveman wanted the rest of the tribe to know that there was food over the ridge, he […]

A new chapter begins…

It doesn’t take much to create change.  Mostly, it requires the impetus to move forward in a direction that you never intended to go.  That very well could be the story of this life. LM Communications was born several years back, as a placeholder for an idea and a name on a bank account reserved […]